So, many of you may be asking why I want to keep the cow in my office. Well, let me introduce Elsie the Cow. Elsie was donated to the Pensacola Historical Society by a concerned citizen who did not want to see that part of history go to the dump. So, I rescued Elsie from a horrible fate. I told Jacki, our Collections Curator, that we needed this cow. I begged her. Elsie is a part of history. She will make a wonderful addition to an exhibit I'm planning on dairy farms in Pensacola.
Elsie was the spokescow for the Borden Company beginning in the 1930s. Elsie the Borden Cow was a well known celebrity, along with her husband Elmer the Bull and their cow children. At one time, our Elsie had a voicebox activated by a footpad and must have held a tray. Now, she just watches over researchers in our Research Library. That explains who she is, but not why we have her.
The Pensacola Historical Society's mission simply put is to preserve and promote Pensacola's history. The everyday is also a part of history. Elsie typifies a time when fresh milk was delivered by dairy farms. She is part of our collective past.
The Pensacola Historical Society's collections have been built by similar donations. Beginning in the late 1950's, concerned citizens began donating items to the Society. Now, our collections total in the hundred thousands--all because people did not want to see the history of our city thrown away. Our Elsie came from an employee of the old Borden Dairy here in Pensacola. He also donated a uniform shirt, belt buckle, postcards, and placemats.
We are still accepting donations . Diaries, photographs, scrapbooks, and toasters all tell a part of our city's history. The next time you are cleaning out your attic or storage unit, consider donating items to the Pensacola Historical Society. Pensacolians in the future will appreciate the efforts we make today to preserve our past.